Nineteen nonprofits have been chosen to be 2021-2022 nonprofit partners and funding recipients of United Way of Highway 55.

United Way of Highway 55 today announces the funding of nineteen local nonprofits. United Way of Highway 55 allocations team, made up of local community members, reviewed applications and conducted interviews with each agency. The nineteen nonprofit partners are located and/or serve in Coffee, Moore, and Warren Counties.
The 2021-22 partners include:
♦CASA Works
CASA Works, Inc. believes that every child has a right to the safe embrace of a loving family. Volunteers are recruited, trained, and supervised to be Court Appointed Special Advocates for abused children in Juvenile Court in Bedford, Coffee and Franklin Counties.
Address: 1301 East Carroll St.
Tullahoma, TN 37388
Contact: (931) 455-7426
♦Coffee County Children’s Advocacy Center
Provides a safe, loving, and affordable environment for children to learn, grow, and play while fostering their mental, social, emotional, and physical needs.
Address: 104 N. Spring Street
Manchester, TN 37355
Contact: (931) 723-8888
♦Coffee County Humane Society
Promotes animal welfare to prevent suffering, neglect, abuse, and overpopulation of animals. Provides spay/neutering services for low-income pet owners.
Address: PO Box 252
Manchester, TN 37349
Contact: (931) 723-2730
♦Coffee County Senior Citizens, Inc.
To provide programs, provide services, and seek opportunities to meet the physical, social, psychological, educational and economic needs of all seniors, so they may enjoy full participation in the benefits of a democratic society and maintain a meaningful involvement in the community.
Address: 410 N Collins St
Tullahoma, TN 37388
Contact: (931) 723-8288
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♦Community Development Center (Children & Families)
Provides support and services to children, families and individuals with disabilities while addressing the health and well-being of all persons.
Address: 113 Eaglette Blvd.
Shelbyville, TN 37160
Contact: (931) 684-8681
Address: 111 Eaglette Blvd.
Shelbyville, TN 37160
Contact: (931) 684-8681
♦Good Samaritan Tullahoma
Provides financial support in a variety of areas (rent, medical bills, utilities, food, etc.) to needy persons and families in Tullahoma area.
Address: 210 E Grundy St.
Tullahoma, TN 37388
Contact: (931) 455-7353
♦Haven of Hope
Provides crisis counseling, emergency shelter, safety planning, education, resource development and individual or group support services for victims of domestic violence.
Address: 300 Hillsboro Blvd., Room 4
Manchester, TN 37355
Contact: (931) 728-1133
♦Partners for Healing
A free medical clinic for the uninsured who are working, disabled or those transitioning into work in Coffee, Franklin, and Moore counties.
Address: 109 W Blackwell St.
Tullahoma, TN 37388
Contact: (931) 455-5014
♦Coffee Co Child Care Center
Dedicated to providing quality childcare in a secure facility at affordable rates. Provides a safe and educational environment for children 1-5 years old.
Address: 707 Oak Dr
Manchester, TN 37355
Contact: (931) 728-0288
♦HorsePlay Inc.
501(c)3 non-profit organization. HorsePlay is a therapeutic and recreational equine-assisted program. They promote exercise and social interactions for mentally, emotionally and/or physically challenged children while always maintaining safety for children, horses, and volunteers.
Address: 815 Westside Dr
Tullahoma, TN 37388
Contact: (931) 307-0774
♦The Storehouse Food Pantry
A 501(c)3 that distributes food boxes to those in need every Thursday from 10am to 12pm. Their purpose is to feed people in Coffee County and surrounding areas. The Storehouse Food Pantry serves around 150 families per week.
Address: 607 Hickerson St
Manchester, TN 37355
Contact: (931) 409-6040
♦Hospice of the Highland Rim Foundation, Inc
HHRF assist hospice patients in need with payment for utilities, food and miscellaneous assistance depending on the individual’s special needs (if any exist) while on hospice services. Patients who are experiencing financial difficulty during end-of-life care will be able to continue to have electricity, water, and food. Assistance is granted if they are on hospice service, a need exists, and the foundation has funding. Most patients only exist on hospice for two weeks or less and most grants are given only once due to the nature of the patients HHRF serve. If extenuating circumstances are present; HHRF will give consideration for additional assistance.
Contact: 931-563-7439
♦Warren County Meals on Wheels
To promote the dignity and independence of the disabled, elderly, and other homebound persons by delivering nutritious meals and coordinating needed services.
Address: 106 East End Dr.
McMinnville, TN 37110
Contact: (931) 473-3514
♦Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency
To help the Upper Cumberland region cultivate self-sufficiency and build true wealth through innovation, collaboration, and leadership.
Address: 201 Locust St #16
McMinnville, TN 37110
Contact: 931-473-6652
Helping Animals of Warren CO. (TN) or HAWC, is a 501C-3 organization with the purpose of uniting people and organizations in Warren Co. to help animals. They provide financial and volunteer support for the county animal shelter, City of McMinnville Animal Control, Humane Society of Warren County and other organizations or individuals within Warren County that are dedicated to either rescuing animals, providing low cost spay/neuter or vaccinations of pets and/or educating the public on animal welfare.
Contact: (931) 743-7666
♦Children’s Advocacy Center, 31st Judicial District
Children’s Advocacy Center for the 31st Judicial District delivers exceptional services to victims of severe child abuse. Their team directly reduces the trauma from abuse through a well-coordinated multi-disciplinary team who works together to investigate child abuse while also supporting and advocating for victims and families. They vigorously fight to break the cycle of child abuse in our community by providing prevention services through education.
Address: PO Box 7287~1350 Sparta St
McMinnville, TN 37110
Contact: 931-507-2386
♦HOME-Homeless of McMinnville Effort
Our mission is to honor the dignity and improve the lives of those who are unsheltered or displaced by providing meals, basic hygiene services, spiritual support, and access to resources in order for them to work towards self-sustaining future.
Contact: 931-273-6519
♦Kids of the Community
Kids of the Community has a group of approximately 211 children that are often classified as at-risk. These children are mostly from low-income families. Each day is a constant struggle. They usually cannot afford food or other necessities. School expenses are often impossible to pay. Their lives are often limited to their home or perhaps a few activities at the Resident Activity Center. Their goal is to provide a monthly activity that is in a safe, drug-free environment. In addition, they hope to teach morals, values, and exposure to the positive aspects of living a productive life.
Address: 681 Cadillac Ln
McMinnville, TN 37110
Contact: (931) 668-5437
United Way partners received $40,000 in funding during the 2020-21 allocations year, which is a 66% increase in the past two years.
“On behalf of UWHWY55, we are grateful for the businesses and individuals who support our partner nonprofits every year. It takes a community!” states Ashley Abraham, Executive Director of United Way of Highway 55.
This year’s allocation’s team included the following individuals:
- Pam Bussell-Salvation Army; First Christian Church
- Pam Barnes-Marketing Specialist and Volunteer
- Ashley Kraft (UWHWY55 Board Member) Owner: Tullahoma and Manchester Nutrition; Coffee Co Commissioner
- Ashley Wright-(UWHWY55 Board Member) Owner of Local Flair Public Relations
- Mike Belzil-National Aerospace Solutions Deputy General Manager
- Maggie Powell-(UWHWY55 Board Member) Executive Assistant to Edward Faulkner- VP of Civil Space Programs
- Michele Simmons (UWHWY55 Board Member) Business Development Manager-Resource MFG
- Chad Moyer-Aflac Agent
- Michelle Carmack-(UWHWY55 Board Member) The University of TN Space Institute
- Marsha Hale-Jack Daniels Executive Administrative Assistant
- Daniel Berry-Tullahoma City Alderman
- Holly Buchanan-Staffmark-On site bottling supervisor for Jack Daniels
About United Way of Highway 55:
United Way of Highway 55 works in the community to build access to financial stability, education, health services, and basic essentials in Coffee, Moore, and Warren Counties. In addition to United Way’s nonprofit partnership and Giving Program, they also fund and support a Literacy Program, STEM Partnership Program, FamilyWize, 2-1-1 Hotline, School Attendance Campaign, Volunteer Management Program, and local School Supply Drives.